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The clinic seminar focuses on skills and substantive law necessary for case representation. Student attorneys also explore the role of lawyers, the function of this legal system, and different directions change efforts may take. All families have the right to family integrity—parents’ rights to the care, custody, and control of their children and children’s rights to live with their families and not in state custody. The state threatens this right when it investigates a family for alleged neglect or abuse, or seeks to separate a family and place children in state custody, or subjects a family to jurisdiction of the family court. The overwhelming majority of families who face such threats are poor and are disproportionately Black and brown. TexasLawHelp has a form for low-income parties to use to provide evidence of their indigence and ask for a lawyer (for child protective services cases only). See Affidavit of Indigence and Request for Court-Appointed Attorney – Template. Your county might have its own form.
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