

たまご  ふりかけ  音ごはん。  回って 落ちて 謎といて。

こんばんは! 音ごはん もともとこです。









あれ? かよ。  白鳥? めずらしいね。



あれ? ラクダ かよ。 こんなのあるの?



ゾウかよ! 楽しいか?





ロバ かよ! 惜しい!! 馬のおしりを追っかけてるし!


には絶対乗らないいっくんなのでした。 このあと、にも乗ったよ。




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🍚2016,2,28(日) ふれあいコンサート in きたのホール

🍚2015,11,16(月) 東京新聞・中日新聞 掲載されました!!   

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    Thanks for telling us about the problem. The first yawn of the day is usually when we awake to stretch our intercostal muscles surrounding our lungs to bring in more oxygen. Many of us recognise yawning as a sign of tiredness or boredom yet we also yawn before that important job interview. We contagiously yawn when our pets yawn and because we are empathetic towards another yawning human being and therefore, most of us can relate to yawning. The studies took different approaches for formulating a placebo. At NYU, patients were given niacin, which mimics some effects of psilocybin. At Hopkins, the placebo was a very low dose of psilocybin itself. Knowing about Aglianico’s rigid nature, some producers make it into a much fresher, easy-to-drink style. Given that the grape has so much tannin and acidity it easily holds up to new oak aging and modern winemaking. The winemaking techniques are meant to subjugate Aglianico’s wildness into a chocolatey, ripe, rich wine with moderately high alcohol and low pH (acidity). The modern style of Aglianico won’t age as long as the traditional stuff, and has less of an expression of particular place, but on the plus-side, it’s friendly to drink now and will sop up any beef brisket.

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  • Tras el análisis técnico de los canales de Fibonacci, se puede sacar otra conclusión interesante. Si se toma como base el movimiento del precio en la parte inferior de la tendencia alcista de fines del 2020, los niveles de extensión del canal de Fibonacci muestran una limitación del potencial alcista de Ethereum, donde el máximo histórico de 4 366 USD se formó exactamente en el nivel de Fibonacci en 4 236. Esta coincidencia confirma la validez de otros niveles de Fibonacci, que pueden usarse como niveles clave para formar un pronóstico. En un momento su precio puede dispararse, pero en otro puede desplomarse nuevamente. Por ello siempre recomendamos invertir una cantidad de dinero que puedas permitirte perder, y enfocarte en el largo plazo. ¡En este caso, deseamos asistirte en esta gran aventura y te deseamos muy buena suerte! 
    … para incorporar la estadística en su presentación en cualquier momento. Hasta el pasado mes de septiembre mantener la criptodivisa Ethereum funcionando suponía un gasto de energía equivalente al de un país como Austria. Casi unos 72.000 gigavatios hora al año se empleaban en ‘minar’ los diferentes tokens y validar en la cadena de bloques los movimientos que hacían sus usuarios. Ether, conocida por sus siglas ETH, es el activo digital creado por la plataforma Ethereum y que se utiliza para satisfacer las comisiones de transacción de la red que cobran los mineros que validan las transacciones (comisión que comúnmente se denominan fuel o gas). Actualmente es la segunda moneda digital más valiosa después del Bitcoin y cada vez gana más peso en el mercado de las criptomonedas, a pesar de que otras competidoras, como el proyecto de Cardano (ADA), están invadiendo su espacio de mercado al ofrecer transacciones más rápidas con menores costes en comisiones.

  • Super Mario 64 changed that with more innovations than you could point a goomba at. It was expected to reach a high price because this copy belonged to an early production run – making it one of the first ever made to still exist. Heritage Auctions said that to its knowledge, only one earlier production copy is known to exist, and may never be put on sale. “This is Mario’s debut appearance in a 3D world, and it was the most popular – bestselling – video game for the N64,” McLeckie added. “Considering this, and the fact that there are fewer than five sealed in this grade according to Wata, this copy is a true prize for any serious collector.” How could a copy of “Super Mario 64,” the best-selling Nintendo game on the Nintendo 64 with nearly 12 million units sold, be considered “rare”? 
    Thankfully, Halo: The Master Chief Collection is full of local co-op-enabled Halo goodness. Each Halo game in The Master Chief Collection, from Halo: Combat Evolved to Halo 4, is playable in co-op. While it’s not local co-op in Halo 5: Guardians or Halo: Infinite, there are still plenty more sleepless nights to be had. Beyond co-op, the Halo series features a top-of-the-genre competitive experience that has defined and influenced online multiplayer for decades. With the rise of online gaming, couch co-op seems to be falling to the wayside in recent years. Fortunately enough, there are still some really great games to play on the Xbox One that allow you to pull up with a buddy on your comfy couch and dive right in. Let’s do the same and dive into our list of the best Xbox One couch co-op games.

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    Straight Flush – This is the highest possible hand when only the standard pack is used, and there are no wild cards. A straight flush consists of five cards of the same suit in sequence, such as 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 of hearts. The poker hand rankings are as follows. One pair beats no pair. Two pair beats one pair. Three of a kind beats two pair. A straight beats three of a kind. A flush beats a straight. A full house beats a flush. Four of a kind beats a full house. A straight flush beats four of a kind. A royal flush beats a straight flush. If you fold every single small blind (SB) hand, your win rate would be -50bb 100 hands or -.5 bb’s for every SB hand you folded. If your win rate is worse than that, you would’ve been better off folding every single SB hand, even the winning hands. The example player above has a SB win rate 4.3x worse than if they had folded every SB hand.

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  • This week, amidst a cloud of controversy, Tether—the world’s largest stablecoin issuer—made an audacious move: it doubled down on bitcoin reserves. Although under scrutiny for its opaque reserve disclosures, Tether has shown resilience by upping its bitcoin holdings. Tether, a trailblazer in the realm of stablecoins (cryptocurrencies tied to a reserve of traditional currency to stabilise their value), appears to be banking on Bitcoin like never before. From December 19th, 2022, this website is no longer intended for residents of the United States. Enjoying great popularity until Bitcoin’s last all-time high in November 2021, the model uses block subsidy halving events as the central element in plotting exponential price growth through the years.
    Bitcoin was the first to show how cryptocurrency could disrupt the current financial model, giving people the ability to make transactions without having a third party in the way. The increase in freedom, flexibility, and privacy continues to drive the inevitable march toward digital currencies as a new norm. Despite its benefits, Bitcoin’s (likely unintended) concentration of money and power present a meaningful barrier to mainstream adoption. As Pi’s core team has conducted research to try to understand why people are reluctant to enter the cryptocurrency space. People consistently cited the risk of investing mining as a key barrier to entry. The Bitcoin miners are suggested to use mining hardware, such as Ebang, Antminer, Minedollars, AvalonMiner, or more that generates new Bitcoins after every 10 minutes. To mine Bitcoin, the miner is advised to invest in a powerful setup designed specifically for mining cryptos. Excessive or advanced computer knowledge must be possessed to operate the hardware system. The user then has to create at least one Bitcoin wallet for Bitcoin Mining that is secured and convenient.

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