
たまご・ふりかけ・音ごはん。おかずは・なくとも・音ごはん 。

こんばんは!音ごはん ボーカル もともとこです。



・サポートメンバー Keyboard の山﨑英雄さんが、今回、配信映像に力を入れるため、動画撮影担当になりました。鍵盤は弾きません。楽しみにしてくださっていた方、申し訳ございません

・音ごはん Piano まきこ ちゃん が、難病ミトコンドリア病を患っている長女・美音ちゃんの感染症対策に、家族みんなで慎重に取り組んでおりまして
 大きなライブイベント への参加を辞退することになりました。楽しみにしてくださっていた方、本当に申し訳ございません
 まきこちゃん、今回は、新・音ごはんTシャツのデザインをしてくれました!NO MUSIC,NO RICE.( *´艸`)

・まきこ ちゃんのかわりに、音ごはん結成時からずーーーっと、やさしく、厳しく、サポートしてくださっている、ピアニスト原川誠さん(まこぴー)が、鍵盤を弾いてくださいます。




音ごはん自主企画ライブ 7年目となる今年は



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  • There are five liquor stores that will be selling marijuana next week. Liquor stores in Norman Wells, Hay River, Yellowknife (not the downtown location), Fort Simpson and Fort Smith have agreed to retail pot. After discussions with the territorial government, the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation — part owners of the liquor store in Inuvik — said they will not be selling cannabis. DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this learning material is for general educational purposes only and is not intended to provide specific professional medical or legal advice, nor to constitute a “standard of care” for Canadian healthcare professionals. The use of CMPA learning resources is subject to the foregoing as well as the CMPA’s Terms of Use. The documents also say liquor stores will continue to sell cannabis after the private shop opens, even though in Yellowknife, this would seem to go against expert recommendations to the federal government. A task force on cannabis legalization said wherever possible, cannabis and alcohol should not be sold in the same location.
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    Copyright © 2022 TexasHSFootball.com. COL Schedule Thank you for your support! We may have video highlights with goals and news for some Manchester City matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular football leagues. To make sure that all features of this website work, please update your browser to the latest version and check that Javascript and Cookies are enabled. When the match starts, you will be able to follow Milan vs Tottenham Hotspur live score, standings, minute by minute updated live results and match statistics. COPYRIGHT © 2023 Princeton University – All Rights Reserved Tottenham Hotspur previous match was against Leicester City in Premier League, the match ended with result 4 – 1 (Leicester City won the match). TXHSFB: Live Scoreboard Wow, look at that crowd at the Prosper-Denton game. No masks, no distancing. No brains.

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    24/7 Velvet Glide-On Eye Pencil in Black Velvet, Ink For Eyes in Perversion, All Nighter Eyeliner Perversion, Super-Saturated Ultra Intense Waterproof Cream Eyeliner in Perversion Regardless of the brand’s intentions, there probably was a better body part — like, say, the eye — to show the color swatches. And if anyone at all was triggered by it, which apparently some were, it might just be a better idea to delete the image. Or even provide links to resources like To Write Love on Her Arms and S.A.F.E Alternatives. Which brings us to this: if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Urban Decay must feel REALLY flattered by the new NYX Slide-On Liners ($8 each). 24/7 Glide-On Waterproof Eyeliner Pencil Chaos (New) is a vibrant cobalt blue matte with slight floating pearl finish. While the colour looks incredible on the pencil, sadly enough it doesn’t translate as nicely onto the eyes and application can get a little patchy/uneven. You have to be a little more patient in applying this in layers to get a more saturated colour.

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    Ignition accepts credit and debit cards, Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Cash for deposits.  The most popular online casino games across the globe are slots, with recent figures showing nearly 50% of players playing slots, while 16% play blackjack, 6% play poker and 5% of players prefer roulette. There is also increasing participation from female gamblers, particularly in the real money online casinos in the UK. Now, 40% of gamblers in the UK are women, which is mostly due to the growth of bingo sites, which count for 3% of the total online gambling profits. Bet365 is the world’s largest online sports betting company and it may well be the biggest online casino in the world too. It is the market leader in several European, Asian and South American markets. The UK-based company opened a New Jersey office a few years ago, and it offers one of the best casinos online in the Garden State, with a US rollout planned in the next few years.

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